LUBOK ANTU: The plight of a group of students at Nanga Sumpa and Nanga Jambu in Lubok Antu has caught the attention of Suara Sarawak and New Sarawak Tribune.
These students from the rural have shown how committed they were in the pursuit of education despite little or no Internet connection.
The 25 students of SK Nanga Delok and SMK Lubok Antu had diligently walked through the forest for two hours and climbed a 200m hill just to get connected to continue their lessons online.

According to Nanga Sumpa villager Jensen James, the lack of Internet access in their area was not a new thing.
“Students can only get Internet connection at their school or at the Nanga Delok clinic.
“It is impossible to have online lessons at longhouses here because most do not have Internet connection.
“Internet connection is available for those living in Nanga Delok and Tapang Pungga as the two areas are close to the school,” he told Suara Sarawak / New Sarawak Tribune recently.
Knowing the importance of education for children, especially those living in rural areas, Jensen said they had already raised this issue with relevant authorities.
“We sincerely hope that the authorities will consider our request so that our children (especially those who have to face public exams) will not miss their lessons.”
Further elaborating, Jensen said children from Nanga Taong also used to climb hills for the same purpose but after their longhouse managed to get connected to the telecommunication network, the children there now could use the Internet to continue online learning.
On Nov 15, the Facebook account of Nanga Sumpa Lubok Antu Sarawak uploaded pictures of students from Nanga Sumpa and Nanga Jambu entering the forest in order to get Internet connection for their online lessons.
What was even more touching was the commitment shown by parents and teachers alike, who accompanied the children, helping them carry their food and laptops – all in the pursuit of ensuring the children stay educated.