Tips for a stress-free vacation with friends



YOU want to go on vacation with your friends, but it seems like every time you try to plan something, one of you ends up canceling. Why is this? It’s because people are busy these days. Whether it’s work, family obligations, or the need to stay connected on social media, our schedules are becoming busier and busier.

This can make it difficult to find time for all things in life. Despite the challenges of trying to do everything at once, there are ways that you can travel with friends without the stress or arguments that might come with travelling alone or with a partner.

1. Understand the challenges 

Before you start planning, make sure you understand what the challenges may be. This might involve talking to your friends and understanding their schedules and commitments.

For example, if one friend is always working, another doesn’t like to fly, and another has a family obligation, this will make it difficult for them to travel together. See what the obstacles are before coming up with solutions.

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2. Be realistic with your budget

Travelling with friends can be expensive. This is especially true if you’re trying to find a destination that offers everything your group wants. Often, it’s better to compromise and go somewhere affordable that has most of the things you want.

The budget is one of the first factors to consider when planning a vacation with friends. You might not be able to afford hotels in all four-star locations or spend $100 per person on food at every meal. You might need to pick between food and accommodations or decide which destination is more affordable for everyone.

3. Make a plan before you go when you travel with friends

The first thing you need to do when you’re trying to go on vacation with friends is to make a plan. This plan should include where you will stay, what activities you’ll be doing, and the cost. The last thing that any of you want is to be standing in front of an airport or train station with your bags, unsure of where to go next.

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4. Consider how far your friends live from one another

If you’re planning a vacation with friends, it’s important to figure out how far everyone lives from one another. This will help you decide how much time is needed to travel and what the cost will be. 

Some people might live in the same city while others may live on opposite coasts or across the country.

For example, if your group consists of four people who all live in different cities, it may not be practical for everyone to drive halfway across the country just for a weekend getaway. You’ll have to consider things like gas prices, flight costs, and public transportation options.

5. Choose a destination that will work for everyone

It can be difficult to find a destination that will work for everyone. If you are travelling with friends, you need to take their interests into account. Maybe one of your friends wants to go skiing in the mountains while another wants to relax on the beach.

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One of your friends might want to do city exploring while another is more interested in taking nature walks. The point is, if your destination is centred on what everyone wants instead of what you want, it’s less likely that anyone will end up feeling left out or disappointed when they see the pictures.

6. Keep activities inclusive when you travel with friends

It’s always a good idea to include everyone. Avoid planning activities that might exclude someone, like going skiing if your friend doesn’t have the equipment or going to a specific artist’s concert if your friend doesn’t like that specific artist.

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