The power of belief



 If you have but the faith of a mustard seed, you shall move mountains.

Neale Donald Walsch, American author

We underestimate the power of self-belief we have in us to be able to change just about anything — within us or outside of us. Though it is a buzzword that is bandied around in almost every self help book, and by motivational gurus and leaders who try to inspire their followers to be better and do better, it is not as easy as one is led to believe.

This is because most of us have actually had our belief in ourself systematically eradicated from the time we are born, to throughout school and university and through a lot of watching television and movies to stop believing in ourselves and put more faith in the institutions and leaders around us than us.

We are made to believe that we are insignificant, and we will be lost if we don’t fit into the norms of a society that expedites us to be either this way or that way. We are made to believe that our thought process are incorrect unless they are aligned with the thought processes of the majority narrative.

Pushing the envelope to ask questions or understand in more depth how we can change our lives to be better or different that the status quo gets branded you a rebel.

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So most people just subscribe to an array of beliefs that are fed to them and they live their lives within the radar of those beliefs. And this is manifold — from culture to religion to universities to medical decisions over our bodies to multinational corporations to the history we are taught to political leadership to global institutions to well, the world as we are told it should be.

This includes you playing an insignificant role as a cog in the wheel of a trillion wheels of a trillion vehicles.

And here is where I say that it is just not true.

You are more powerful than that. You are more significant than that. You are a magnificent being who has forgotten how much power you wield from within.

You are an incredible source of energy, and an unstoppable force of nature. You can be anyone you want, do anything you need and all you need to do is believe in yourself and go get it.

It’s really as simple as that. The universe will bend to your will and this is how it was always meant to be. We are all connected as one being, one source of awareness from our creator. Our greatest strength comes from our unity, not our diversity nor division.

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If we can put aside the petty infighting we are taught to do on a daily basis due to the fear we are taught to have about one another — the fear of different religions, different nations, different classes of rich or poor, different skin colours, different sexes, different classes of work levels, and realise that we are all just one conscious state of awareness , we will find the greatest strength within us.

Over years, wars have been created for a small group of people to gain more power. Diseases have been amplified and fear mongered so we don’t believe in our bodies’ natural ability to heal itself but are drawn to external sources that continue to keep us weak and broken so that they can continue to repair them and profit from it.

We are taught in places of teaching that we should never questions that status quo and only repeat dutifully what we are told in textbooks. We are taught that we are the bane of all things bad, and so we must ingest feelings of shame, guilt and regret in ourselves and toe the line for the good of all. But what is the good of all? Is it really for the good of all or the good of a few who need humanity to toe the line for the good of them?

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So it all boils down to this. Go within, deep within yourself and know yourself. Love yourself.

Understand that you are part of a greater power, that each one of us is connected to God directly and take immense power from the creator. We don’t need to subscribe to people or things set to control that and take away our sense of belief in ourselves and our creator.

When you do that, you are actually trusting your gut instinct and you feel the real truth of the universe.

And then, do what makes you happy. Do what helps you give a sense of purpose in your life. Live in total joy and happiness. Work towards an empowerment of yourself.

Believe in yourself no matter how many people say you are crazy or dumb. The power of one is significant — just like the butterfly effect.

The views expressed here are those of the columnist and do not necessarily represent the views of New Sarawak Tribune. Feedback can reach the writer at

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