TEBEDU: The Desa Fair Tebedu Programme and MyRakyat Sale are driving socio-economic development in the area, said Deputy Minister of Food Industry, Commodities and Regional Development Martin Ben.
He said during the three-day programme, local residents have the opportunity to promote and market their agricultural products and more.
“This programme also encourages business activities and tourism in the Tebedu district,” said the Kedup assemblyman during the official inauguration held at Anjung 2, Bandar Mutiara Tebedu on Friday (May 26).
Notable attendees included Tebedu Assemblyman Dr Simon Sinang Bada and Greater Kuching Coordinated Development Agency (GKCDA) Special Administrative Officer Datuk Ik Pahon Jayik, among other distinguished guests.
Running from May 26 to May 28, the event offers a wide range of exciting activities, including the sale of agricultural produce, food and beverage stalls, livestock sales, and craft product exhibitions.
Visitors can also enjoy live performances by local artists like Mike Rantai and Alon Lupeng on the entertainment stage.
Adding to the festive atmosphere, guest singers from West Kalimantan, Indonesia, will be performing during the highlight of the stage event.