KUCHING: Sarawak Customs Department seized various brands of cigarettes and liquor worth RM170,394.49 in a raid into six premises selling the illegal items with Malaysian Duty Not Paid (MDNP) status in Tedungan Customs Border Control Post (CIQ), Limbang, said a press release yesterday.
State Customs Department director Datin Sharifah Halimah Tuanku Taha said the taxable value for both items was worth a total of RM792,761.10.
“We managed to confiscate 976,732 cigarette sticks of various brands with worth amounting to RM69,992.97 and a tax value of RM515,344.45. “We also seized 6,326.37 litres of liquor with a total worth of RM100,401.52 and a tax value of RM277,416.65,”she said through the statement. Halimah said the illegal items were suspected to be brought into the border town through the sea route via Labuan Island by using the fishing boats that are unloaded at the Limbang River area.
“Smuggling of liquors and cigarettes is for local markets in Sarawak and visitors or tourists from neighbouring country, Brunei who visit the Tedungan area,” she explained. He said the operation also involved Customs enforcement officers from Miri, Bintulu, Limbang and Lawas. “This operation is our initiative in the fight against the smuggling and sale of illegal commodities.
“Hence, strict action will be taken on premises owners involved in smuggling activities,” she said. Meanwhile, Halimah urged the public to cooperate by calling the toll free 1-800-88-8855 and the identity of the witness will be kept confidential, concluded the statement.