SIBU: The 672-metre road at Jalan Kiong Tung which has been in a poor condition for years is now finally tar-sealed.
According to Bukit Assek assemblyman, Joseph Chieng Jin Ek, the road which is a gravel road is uneven and prone to flood.
“I have put this road as my priority under Bukit Assek rural transformation programme (RTP). This is my must-do project for the year,” he said.
He said this when met by reporters after witnessing the handing over of the project by Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) assistant engineer, Hussin Onn to Hajjah Enterprise manager Nur Ezza Syafawami who is the contractor for the project on Wednesday (Dec 14).
He noted that the work involves filling the road with gravel and to be tar-sealed and the construction of a culvert for RM500,000.
“The project is expected to be completed before the Chinese New Year celebration on Jan 22,” he said.
Chieng also said that the road was the last tar-sealed some 20 years ago by the late Datuk Robert Lau Hui Chiew who was the then SMC chairman and Sibu MP.
“After the first resurfacing, the council could not come in to redo it except to fill it with gravel as it is a private road. Now we are going to start work and I must apologise for the delay,” he said.
He also warns that heavy vehicles weighing more than 50 tons are disallowed to use the road.
“I will propose to the council to put up signs to disallow heavy vehicles from using this road as it is located in the residential area,” he said.
Parents with children studying in SMK St Elizabeth including other road users will find driving smoother as it is a short-cut to Han’s Residence and the housing estate at Jalan Perpati.