KUCHING: The Crown Prince of Johor Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim has shared that besides Johor, his favourite state is Sarawak.
The prince, popularly referred to as TMJ (Tengku Mahkota Johor) said this in an “Ask Me A Question” post he created recently on his official Instagram page, where one netizen asked the prince the question.
However the prince did not elaborate why he chose Sarawak as his favourite state.
But Sarawakians couldn’t be more proud when a prince truly admires the Land of the Hornbill.
What’s not to love about Sarawak, right? The people, food, culture, peace and harmony among its multi-racial and multi-religious society are priceless assets.
In a Facebook post in 2016, the prince once said Sarawak and Sabah are both important states in the country.
“Do not forget, if there is no Johor, there would not be Federation of Malaya (Persekutuan Tanah Melayu), and if there is no Sabah and Sarawak, then there would not be money for this country,” he said.
Meanwhile, on another question asked by a netizen on what the prince thinks of the current situation in Malaysia, he said it was bad.
“Bad. It has been bad for the last three years. We desperately need stability for us to improve the economy,” he said.
On a question of what he thinks of power-crazy politicians during the Covid-19 pandemic, TMJ said politicians need to know that they are serving the people.
He also said to be a great leader, a person needs to be caring, sincere, honest and dedicated.
Other questions posted touched on his personal life such as his favourite football team, music groups, cars, food, and more.