KUCHING: A hard-working single mother can finally go to sleep each night without any worry of her roof caving in on her.
Thanks to the Penambahbaikan Rumah Rakyat Miskin Sarawak programme (PPRMS), the termite infested leaky roof of her house at the Stampin Resettlement Scheme has been repaired.
It came to pass after her plight came to the attention of Kota Sentosa assemblyman Wilfred Yap.
“I had received a distressing call from a member of the public of a single mother working as a cleaner being in a difficult situation as the termite infested roof of her wooden house was leaking badly and ceiling was in danger of falling,” he said.
He put the wheels in motion and saw to its repair with a RM15,000 funding under PPRMS.
“The repairs were carried out and completed through a gotong royong by volunteers from the Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) Kpg Stampin Baru Cina.
“I thank all volunteers who had participated and contributed their time which demonstrates our unity, resilience, compassion and care by helping the needy,” he said in a statement
He added that PPRMS is an assistance programme which provides for up to RM15,000 to help those who live below the poverty line or come from low income groups by providing basic facilities and a comfortable residence.