MIRI: People in Marudi and surrounding areas welcome the proposal to construct a proper route to link Miri with Limbang and Lawas via Marudi road to reduce the hassle at the border points between Sarawak and Brunei.
Marudi State Assemblyman Datu Dr Peguang Mangil, who is Assistant Minister for Local Government, said that if the Pan Borneo Highway (PBH) is connected to Marudi road, linking Mulu and Limbang, this would bring huge impact to the locals in terms of economic development.
“People in Marudi welcome the proposal. We are happy to hear it,” he said, when asking by reporters on the proposal announced by Works Minister Datuk Seri Haji FadillahYusof here, recently.
It is understood that proposal is still in the technical study stage and hopefully it could be realised to put an end to the Immigration hassle experienced by Sarawakians when crossing the border with Brunei to reach Limbang or Lawas.
It is troublesome for the locals, particular frequent travellers, to have their passports stamped 14 times before reaching their destinations in Limbang or Lawas.