MUKAH: A ‘gotong-royong’ or mass spring cleaning exercise of two housing estates at Jalan Desa Merpati, here was successfully held last Saturday.
The event which commenced at 7am was participated by more than 50 residents of Taman King Sum and Taman Hung Liong (KSHL) about five minutes’ drive from Mukah Town Centre. The activity was organised by the Neigbourhood Area Watch Committees of the two housing estates, KSHL (KRT KSHL).
The presence of officers from Mukah Division National Unity and Integration Department (JPNIN Mukah) during the event boosted the spirit of the participants.
The officers were JPNIN Mukah Assistant Officer, Mohd Fuad Jamaluddin and a new staff, Johannes Miles Ak Duwau.
Dalat/Mukah District Council (MDDM) also provided a lorry to transport bulky materials and wastes collected to a dump site.
The gotong-royong involved cutting of grass along monsoon drains and disposal of bulky used items.
KRT KSHL chairman Jennifer Amir who led the event thanked MDDM for providing a lorry during the ‘gotong-royong’.
Also present at the function were KRT KSHL advisor, Kipli Abdullah, Deputy Chairman, Haji Abdul Rahman Dillah, Secretary, Normawati Rahmat and Exco-members of the committee.