SONG: Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi said that Kapit division has received a lot of development from the state government via Ulu Rajang Development Agency (Urda).
The Kapit MP also said that apart from infrastructure projects, there are also socio-economic programmes to improve the economic situation of the rural population.
“One of them is by creating a collection centre in Song to enable locals to market their products.
“You do not need to go to Kapit because here, we already have a place available to market your products,” he said while presenting a minor rural project (MRP) cheque at Rumah Japok, Nanga Senyaru, Sungai Musah here, on Sunday.
At the ceremony, Nanta also handed over MRP grants to 30 village security and development committees (JKKKs) in the Penghulu Galau area, amounting to RM335,500.
He said Kapit and Song are no longer left behind thanks to Urda which is the implementing agency for any matters related to development.
Therefore, he called on the people to continue to give the current government their full confidence and support to continue the existing development.
“Your mandate is very much needed to intensify development in our area in the future,” he said.
Meanwhile, he also called on the recipients of the MRP grants to use it to the best of their ability for the common good.
“Use it as best you can so that these government funds can be enjoyed together.
“Use it for things that are beneficial for development purposes,” Nanta added.