MIRI: Miri Divisional Public Transport Committee (DPTC) was formed yesterday and the first meeting was chaired by Transport Minister Datuk Lee Kim Shin.
Similarly, Limbang Divisional Public Transport Committee was set up on Monday.
The setting up of these bodies is in line with the establishment of the State Public Transport Committee (SPTC) in November last year.
The chairmen of the DPTCs are the Residents of the respective divisions and the members comprise various stakeholders including representatives of state and federal departments, agencies and associations related to the provision of transportation, namely, district offices, city councils, Commercial Vehicle Licensing Board (LPKP), Road Transport Department (JPJ), Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM), Public Works Department (JKR) Sarawak, Land and Survey Department, Civil Aviation Authority Malaysia (CAAM) and other relevant stakeholders from the transport industry.
“This committee plays an important role in highlighting local issues and challenges, especially for public transport and transport sector in general,” said Lee.
The Resident’s Office, as the secretariat, will coordinate and consolidate all local matters that need urgent attention and can be resolved locally.
Lee said matters that needed medium to long term planning would be discussed at the higher level.