MUKAH: A low risk treatment centre for Covid-19 cases was set up at the Mukah Youth Camp Sports Hall here on Thursday after a request from the Sarawak Disaster Management Committee following its meeting earlier on.
It was undertaken by Mukah Division Disaster Management Committee and Mukah Hospital after realising that Bintulu Hospital and Sibu Hospital currently have many Covid-19 patients undergoing treatment.
Mukah Division Resident Hamdiah Bakir said the centre had provided some 50 spaces (for portable enclosed rooms) including 25 beds, and still needed some more equipment.
“We will continue to assist in the setting-up work within these two days,” she said when attending the setting-up of the centre on gotong-royong basis on Thursday.
She added after that the centre would be handed over to Mukah Hospital to handle, so that those with low risk Covid-19 (local infections) would be placed at the centre.
Treatment for those with low risk involved Category 1 with no symptoms, and Category 2 with mild symptoms.
The centre will be manned by 50 people daily in two shifts, comprising a medical officer, two assistant medical officers, two nurses, People’s Volunteer Corps (Rela) and police.
Hamdiah thanked Mukah MP Hanifah Hajar Taib, Tellian assemblyman Yussibnosh Balo and Balingian assemblyman Abdul Yakub Arbi for their assistance and contributions, as well as government departments, agencies and Mukah Youth Camp.