KUCHING: Communities in Kapit have given the thumbs-up to the movement control order (MCO) in the district.
Kapit Information Department (JaPen) recently conducted a survey to get feedback from locals on the MCO’s impact on their daily activities.
Majority of them expressed their support for the MCO in Kapit, from Feb 2 to 15, as it was an appropriate action to reduce the Covid-19 infection rate.
Merenti Ayek, 53, agreed and said it was her responsibility as a citizen to comply with standard operating procedures (SOPs) such as wearing face mask when outdoors.
Touching on school sessions, she fully supported the government’s move to close them for the safety of the younger generation.
“I have a child who is in Form 1, and he now only attends Home Teaching and Learning (PdPR) sessions conducted by the school.”
“Sometimes it is quite difficult for my son due to Internet connection problem, but he still strives to attend PdPR classes as best he can because he understands that it is an initiative that should be practiced in this kind of situation,” said Merenti, a housewife from Rumah Ramong Gaat, Kapit.
A grocery store trader, Martin, 26, also supported the MCO and the conditional MCO.
“I personally agree that the MCO be extended if the infection rate has not shown a decrease because our lives are more important than money.”
His business was affected by the pandemic as the purchasing power had been relatively low recently.
Martin felt that it was appropriate for the public to continue to assist the government by complying with SOPs.