If you’re game, Miri is just the place for you

MIRI logo on Canada Hill Miri.


IF you are planning to travel within the state, Miri may be just the right destination for you and your family.

Elevated to a city in 2005, Miri which is synonymous to the oil and gas industry has become bigger than that with infrastructure development.

From a tourism point of view, it offers products not only outside the city with the original treasures of the National Park, but must-visit destinations in the city itself.

If you are in Miri, your visit with the family would not be complete without capturing a special photo or moment at the top of Canada Hill.

The giant logo with MIRI’s name on the top of the hill is now a new attraction for visitors to capture memorable moments either by swapping photos or enjoying the view of the city from the top of the hill.

The giant Miri logo, which is all white and 37 meters long and 18 meters high, faces the city and the South China Sea.

The giant logo was built next to the Miri Petroleum Science Museum and a replica of the ‘Grand Old Lady’ oil well and the ‘Nodding Donkey’ structure related to the dawn of the oil and gas industry in 1910 in the country.

The logo is an initiative of the Miri City Council in an effort to add value or diversify tourist attractions in the city.

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Another important landmark and the choice of visitors is the 40-meter high Sea Horse symbol located at Coco Cabana Miri.

Located right behind the premises of Coco Cabana Miri, it has become an iconic symbol and a preferred location for visitors to take pictures.

According to its history, the former Chief Minister of Sarawak proposed the sea horse as the landmark of Miri City in 1994 in conjunction with the “I Love Miri Campaign”.

In fact, it is said to be one of the most unique lighthouses in the world and attracts visitors every weekend.

In the meantime, if you want souvenirs to take home, the Miri Handicraft Centre offers a variety of tourism products including carved and woven items.

The construction of the Miri Handicraft Centre with an allocation of RM1.9 million will not only become a new tourist attraction in the northern region of the state, but also help conserve the diversity of Sarawak’s ethnic cultural heritage.

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The centre features a modern design without neglecting cultural elements and acts as a one-stop centre to promote and market various local handicraft products, thus helping the development of the state’s handicraft industry.

In total, 13 stalls selling various handicraft products are available in this complex, in addition to stalls selling traditional ethnic and sub-ethnic dishes.

In addition to visiting popular locations, you will definitely also want to visit the focus areas of small traders who trade in agricultural and fishery products.

Tamu Muhibbah, Tamu Khas and Tamu Kedayan located near the council field are destinations that are the focus of locals from as early as 6am.

Should you just want to rest and relax breathing fresh air, the perfect location for you as a family is the Pantai Luak Bay Esplanade.

Luak Bay Esplanade Beach is located approximately 11 km or 15 minutes from the centre of Miri Tourism City.

In terms of accommodation, there is no doubt that Miri has hotels for every budget. Some of the leading hotels include Hotel Merizt, Hotel Pullman, Hotel Mega, Hotel Imperial and other hotels that offer reasonable prices.

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For those of you who want a challenge, you can explore Niah National Park, Mulu National Park, Loagan Bunut and so on.

In addition to tourism products on land, for anglers, Miri’s waters are also inhabited by giant marine life such as grouper fish.

In fact, the Miri International Deep Sea Fishing Competition has been held the past few years due to its abundant and large fish resources.

Visitors can also do diving activities in the Miri-Sibuti Reef National Park.

All said, Miri has much to offer to discerning visitors.

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