MIRI: About 10 percent of the Kampung Batu Satu Kuala Baram Erosion Control Project has been completed.
The RM25 million project is expected to be ready in November 2022.
The scope of the project includes a 200-metre offshore breakwater, five groynes and a boat ramp which will help fishermen to go out to sea.
The structures will also mitigate erosion and floods in the area.
“The construction of the retaining wall for this project alone costs RM17,388,000,” revealed Transport Minister Datuk Lee Kim Shin after visiting the Kuala Batu Satu beach on Sunday.
He was there to see the large wood debris which appeared on the beach after strong waves.
“Incidents like this are not new because they happen every year during heavy rains and King Tide. What is quite unusual is that piles of wood debris are as high as one metre and this has hampered the movements of fishing boats,” said Lee.