LUBOK ANTU: The implementation of development needs to be accelerated to free the rural areas from poverty.
Lubok Antu MP Jugah Muyang said rural development needed a renewal phase in line with current technological development and industry advancement.
“It is the Federal government’s policy to accelerate rural development to bridge the gap between rural and urban poverty.
“We need to look at the larger framework, thus I urge all of us, regardless of political ideology to work together towards development in rural areas including Lubok Antu so that these areas can be free from poverty statistics in Malaysia,” he said.
He said this at the “Majlis Pemimpin Bersama Rakyat” at Rh Empauk Lubok Subong Lemanak, Engkelili yesterday.
Jugah added that to enhance rural development more effectively, community leaders should also work with federal government leaders.
He said, “The role of community leaders as a bridge between the people and the government is very important so that all development can be implemented smoothly.
“We hope that the community leaders will continue to provide full support to realise the agenda and development policy of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government,” he said.
The event was attended by more than 250 residents from 13 longhouses in the Engkilili area.
In conjunction with the ceremony, Jugah also contributed a grant of RM45,000 to Rh Empauk Lubok Subong.