DEBAK: The Debak Water Treatment Plant will be upgraded to produce five million litres a day (5MLD) to meet the demand and solve problems involving clean water supply in the surrounding area.
Saribas assemblyman Mohammad Razi Sitam said the current capacity of only a million litres of water a day for the past 37 years is insufficient to meet the growing population.
“Therefore, it is very appropriate for the Debak sub-district to be equipped with a new and larger water treatment plant to meet the current needs not only here, but also up to Spaoh and Pusa.
“I understand the Debak Water Treatment Plant has never been upgraded and this means that during its 37 years of operation, it can only supply one million litres of water a day.
“It is definitely not enough, especially with the rapid growth of this area and its population.
“Therefore, the Sarawak government should consider the proposal to provide a larger water treatment plant as a long-term solution to the problems that haunt the people at present,” he said.
He said this after inspecting the Debak Water Treatment Plant near here, today.
“I have high hope the Sarawak government would give priority to solve the problems that occur in this area,” he added.
Among the villages involved are Bungin, Serembang, Mangut, Supa and Medang in the Spaoh sub-district; Kampung Tuie and Serabang in Pusa District; as well as Jerai and Blassau longhouses in Debak sub-district.
According to the Rural Water Supply Department (JBALB), a new water treatment plant has been proposed for construction in Rimbas Tengah next to the Sungai Rimbas Bridge.