DEBAK: Centralised schools are important to ensure quality education is accessible to all children in an area.
Deputy Minister of Women, Children and Community Well-being Development Datuk Mohammad Razi Sitam said the Datuk Bandar National School can be used as a centralised school for the Debak district and surrounding areas.
“We are trying to make SK Datuk Bandar a centralised primary school that will be a focus for the villages around this district.
“This is a significant step to ensure that quality education is accessible to all children in this area,” he said while officiating at the school’s Appreciation Ceremony for Year Six, Preschool and Integrated Special Education Programme (PPKI) here.
He with centralised schools, the government can provide many facilities, thus solving the issues faced by schools.
In the meantime, Razi emphasised that the Sarawak government will continue to strive to provide balanced development, especially in the development of school infrastructure including in villages.
“One of the main projects that will be implemented is upgrading the Millennia Hall, Debak which is often used for various activities and ceremonies involving government agencies and village communities,” he added.
He hoped SK Datuk Bandar, will continue to excel in all aspects, whether academic education or extracurricular activities.