Category: Column

A backward step for national education

I’m sure many would have read and were amused by the statement made by the Federal Education Minister on the reasons for abolishing standardised examinations

Reflections on Mulu’s natural splendour

‘Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” – American talk show host, television producer, actress, author, and media

Echoes of Experience

‘We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.’ – Anaïs Nin, a prominent French-born American writer, recognised for her work as a

Uncle John

I remember Uncle John boiling coffee in a tin pot on a rusty kerosene stove at midnight. It was odd and amazing how he always

Delving into the durian heritage of Sarawak

Having penned two durian narratives previously, the scarcity of roadside sightings of the King of Fruits across Sarawak prompts a reflection on captivating durian tales

‘APT.’ is also viral in Sarawak

‘Music touches us emotionally, where words alone can’t.’ ― American actor, musician Johnny Depp Wherever I go these days, I hear the ‘APT.’ song by Rose