BINTANGOR: Two brothers, who were reported missing in a forest near Rumah Bandar, Sungai Pulai, here have been found safe today.
The Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) said the first brother, Donny Sar Selanjat, 40, was discovered at 12.15 pm by longhouse residents near the riverbank while heading downstream.
He was unharmed and later escorted back to his longhouse.
At 3.15 pm, rescuers found the second brother, Bennet Lin Tong Seranjat, 43, about 2 kilometres from the riverbank after pinpointing his location by the sound of his chainsaw.
With both men found safe, the search and rescue (SAR) operation was called off at 3.30 pm.
Last Tuesday, Donny and Bennet had entered the forest around 9 am to cut wood.
When they failed to return, longhouse residents searched but could not find them, prompting them to lodge a police report on Wednesday.
Firefighters from the Bintangor station, along with police, were dispatched to the scene to initiate the SAR operation.