Author: Dr Navin C Naidu

The R-O-O-T cause

QUOTE Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools that don’t have brains enough to be honest. – Benjamin Franklin Governments will become more and more effective when the Running Out Of Tricks (R-O-O-T) cause ushers in clean and corruption-free government. Machiavelli and his ardent supporters, admittedly, are dangerous to

Awaken, don’t weaken, the nation

Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still. – Chinese proverb Weaklings and weak-links in government need early retirement. They are nothing but moral, ethical, social, political and economic hazards. The existing evidence is overwhelming as if with the tacit acquiescence of the Madani regime. Government’s

The PMX function

People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war, or before an election. – Otto von Bismarck The Polygraph Machine Xray (PMX) function is a fine-tuned, desirable and a reliable lie-detector, which is guaranteed to explode when a pathological liar walks by it.  Many politicians fear that

The flightless S-O-A-R

To innovate is not to reform. – Edmund Burke, British parliamentarian The S-O-A-R (Spirit of Active Reform) seems grounded in Malaysia. It is the natural order of things with a sado-masochistic drive to cause strife, stoke discontent and sustain disharmony in the name of national unity! Alexander Hamilton in #

The  B-O-T-T-A 

Profit and power ought jointly to be considered. – Sir Josiah Child, British politician No matter what ancient and contemporary political thinkers and theorists say, established, elected and entrenched government is assiduously engaged in the B-O-T-T-A (Business of Taking Things Away) through clever legislation and discriminatory policies. Taxation, duties and

Malaysian C-O-K-E

If knowledge is power, and power corrupts, does knowledge corrupt?– James Moore, Canadian politician Malaysian C-O-K-E (Corruption of Knowledge Endures) is a self-inflicted wound with a common pool of perpetrators and adherents sharing culpability. Compunction, conscience, care and caution are scattered to the winds by these sadomasochists. James Moore was

Restructuring and rationalising race and religion

Religion is relatively safe if it remains within the sanitised confines of established orthodoxy that uplifts and upholds morality. Neo-reformers with intellectual power challenging spiritual revelations and scriptural tenets are plain incendiary troublemakers. Our troubles stay like a festering wound when religion, religiosity and religious strictures and tenets are subject

Of dead cats and the red herring

British MP Peter Dowd described the dead cats and the red herring ploy as “the political strategy of deliberately making a shocking announcement to divert media attention away from the problems or failures in other areas.” It’s the sine qua non of authoritarian politics. Adolf Hitler was no amateur when

Untameable human nature

The mental process is the product of a brain shaped by the hammer of natural selection upon the anvil of nature.– Edward O. Wilson, American natural scientist A serial killer pleaded in open court that there is no cure for human nature; and that he is by nature a violent

Dogmatic delusions dare didactic demands

Politics freely enjoys the oxygen of publicity. Mankind is drawn to it regardless of the consequences. Aristotle observed that “man is by nature a political animal”. Our animal instincts have survived intact. “A prudent leader, must not, and cannot honour his word,” and that “the condition of man is the