SRI AMAN: Sri Aman BOMBA and Sri Aman Resident Office organised a blowpipe contest in conjunction with Sri Aman Division pre-Gawai celebration last Friday.
The contest held at the Amphitheatre, Sri Aman Civic Centre here attracted 20 participants. The contest was divided into four categories namely Men’s Individual Category, Men’s Team Category, Women’s Individual Category and Women’s Team Category.
The champion of the Men’s Individual Category was Jana Asar after he managed to collect 230 points. In second place was Likong Tanie with 220 points and in third place was John Tikong.
The Men’s Team Category saw LJ Team comprising Likong Tanie and Jilin Itar emerged champion when they managed to collect 570 points.
In second place was RT Munggu Sabun comprising George Low and Jana Asar with 460 points and Pasukan Bukit Kelingkang comprising Untang Bandang and John Tikong in third place.
The champion of the Women’s Individual Category Nancy Sullau while in second place was Christina Sullau. In third place was Lila Tambi.
The champion of the Women’s Team Category was Sri Benak while in second place was U.U.U. In third place was PERISMA BOMBA.
Sri Aman BOMBA chief, William Baheng presented prized to the winners.