MARUDI: Flood victims in Marudi district have received essential food supplies through a coordinated delivery operation involving multiple agencies.
The food assistance, provided by the Marudi District Social Welfare Department (JKM), was transported using the vessel Bandung, which departed at approximately 10.30 am yesterday.
The distribution is expected to be completed within two days, with aid teams spending the night at Linei Bukit before resuming deliveries early the next morning.
According to the Marudi District Civil Defence Force, a total of 712 food aid packages were dispatched.
Yesterday, 40 packages were delivered to Sekolah Kebangsaan Benawa, while Linei Bukit received 86 packages.
Today, aid distribution continued at seven more affected locations: Long Panai – 264 packages; Long Ukok – 74 packages; Long Pahlo – 102 packages; Long Patan – 74 packages; SMK Tutoh Apoh – 48 packages; SK Long Lenei – 14 packages; and Long Panai Health Clinic – 10 packages.