MIRI: The Sarawak Labour Department (JTK) opened five investigation papers, involving 14 employers for various offenses under the Labour Law during ‘Ops Restologi’ in Miri on Tuesday night.
Sarawak JTK director Awang Raduan Awang Omar said a total of 19 workplaces around Miri were inspected during the operations which involved 86 of its personnel.
He said the 14 employers were found violating 47 instances under the Labour Law.
“For this year, we are targeting to carry out 350 operations in all sectors, in accordance with the Article 2 and Article 23 of the Labour Inspection Convention 1947 to ensure that all workplaces adhere to the Labour Law,” he said.
In 2021, JTK Sarawak carried out 103 operations involving 353 employers, and this figure increased to 224 operations the following year, with 1,461 employers. Last year, 320 operations were conducted involving 1,475 employers throughout the state.
In 2023, JTK Sarawak inspected a total of 5,285 workplaces and a total of 935 notices of violations were issued to the employers involved.
“Through the inspection, JTK Sarawak detected financial violations amounting to RM632,903.09 where of RM605, 554.01 of the outstanding payments had been paid to the employees involved.
“This is the highest record of outstanding payments detected through inspection operations during 2023 compared to the total outstanding payments of RM488, 896.76 detected in 2022,” said Awang Raduan.
For 2024, the Department has set a target to conduct inspections on 6,000 workplaces across Sarawak.