MIRI: Journalists here have organised a photography competition to do their bit in the promotion of Miri as a tourist city.
Assistant Minister of Tourism, Datuk Sebastian Ting Chiew Yew, who lauded the effort, said the Sayangi Miri Chinese New Year Photography Competition 2022 would help promote the city.
“As we celebrate Chinese New Year, we can take pictures of the surrounding scenery of Miri City with a festive theme and this can help promote interesting places,” he said.
The competition organised by the Northern Sarawak Journalists Association (NSJA), whose president Andy Jong Wan Joon and organising chairman Alan Yong Siaw Chyang paid a courtesy call to Ting recently, is open to all walks of life without the need for a registration fee.
The deadline for participation is Feb 18, 2022.
Participants only need to send a photo of the entry via email along with personal information including Full Name, IC Number, Mobile Phone Number, Email Address and Slogan directly to nsja.miri@gmail.com.
Two categories will be competed, namely the open category for public participants and the member category for NSJA members.
The organisers will upload all entries to the official Facebook page “NSJA MIRI” for public voting from Feb 19 until Feb 28.
For more information, interested participants can visit the official Facebook page of NSJA MIRI.