MUKAH: Following an order to undergo swab test to enter Bintulu, travellers in Mukah division are requested to contact health officers at the respective divisional and district offices for appointment.
A source from the divisional health authority via WhatsApp today said walk-in was not encouraged in order to avoid congestion.
In Mukah district, travellers can contact assistant senior medical officer (PPKP) Mohd Fatullah Hakim Rio Abdullah at 013-824 5078; Dalat district (PPKP Fadillah Basni at 013-807 9314); Matu district (PPKP Azman Perseh at 010- 284 5587); Daro district (PPKP Raphael Callitus Raymond at 017-859 9641) and in Tanjung Manis (PPKP Nur Liyana Mohd Ismail at 013-827 1877).
The contacts for operation room in Mukah division are Mukah Division Health office (PKB) at 084-873 302; Dalat District Health office (PKD) at 019-603 2849); PKD Matu ( at 084-832 466), PKD Daro (at 084-823 744); and PKD Tanjung Manis (at 084-815 612 and 019-603 4210).