MUKAH: It is the collective responsibility of all the people here to comply with the standard operating procedures (SOPs).
This is meant to ensure that this district will always remain in the green zone category.
Tellian assemblyman Yussibnosh Balo said being in green zone, people should not take for granted by not complying with the SOPs because Covid-19 did not recognise its victims.
Now the people have to play their respective role as frontliners to help break the chain of Covid-19 infection, he pointed out.
“We need to practise the new normal through CAPP (prevent, practise, comply and monitor) approach,” said the people’s representative when officiating at the Community Action Programme (CAP) at Kampung Kuala Lama community hall here on Wednesday.
The former Balingian assemblyman stressed as long as there was no cure for Covid-19 yet, all of us would be at risk to be infected.
The people must always protect their families and the community by complying with the SOPs, and practise the new normal in order to take care of themselves better, he urged.
We have to be thankful to those people who have voluntarily gone for Covid-19 health check and sought treatment, as their actions could help prevent the spread of infection, Yussibnosh added.
He also advised the people not to create any stigma and give negative perception to former Covid-19 patients and their families, but instead give moral support to them.
He said the stigma could lead to negative effect and prevent the wish of an individual to go for health check such as swab test, and this would not help the authorities in containing Covid-19.
He explained that those who had been cured from the virus would not infect other people.
“As a community, we need to be united in carrying out the social responsibility, and act as the eyes and ears of the government to report any non-compliance with SOPs to the authorities,” Yussibnosh pointed out.
He thanked the State Information Department and the local information office for organising the timely programme, and providing a platform for sharing useful information during the current Covid-19 situation.
The half-day programme featured talks from the National Anti-Drugs Agency (AADK) and police focusing on current issues.