SSPCA needs RM2.5 mln to build new animal village

Father Gerard Victor (right) from St Anne Parish reading from the Scripture during the Pet Blessing ceremony at SSPCA Animal Shelter and Adoption Centre at Kota Sentosa, near Kuching, yesterday. Looking on are SSPCA president, Datin Dona Drury-Wee (2nd right) and SSPCA volunteers Salma Belhassine from Tunisia (2nd left) and Cindy Belyazid from France (left).


Father Gerard Victor (right) from St Anne Parish reading from the Scripture during the Pet Blessing ceremony at SSPCA Animal Shelter and Adoption Centre at Kota Sentosa, near Kuching, yesterday. Looking on are SSPCA president, Datin Dona Drury-Wee (2nd right) and SSPCA volunteers Salma Belhassine from Tunisia (2nd left) and Cindy Belyazid from France (left).
SSPCA volunteers Salma Belhassine from Tunisia (left) and Cindy Belyazid from France (right) with two local volunteers holding puppies during the pet blessing ceremony at SSPCA Shelter and Adoption Centre, Kota Sentosa, near Kuching, yesterday.

KUCHING: RM2.5 million is needed by Sarawak Society For The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA) to build a new animal village on a piece of land allocated by the government at Jalan Renjer next to Triennekens Depo here.

President of SSPCA, Datin Dona Drury-Wee disclosed this to the media during a pet blessing ceremony held in conjunction with World Animal Day at SSPCA Shelter and Adoption Centre at Kota Sentosa near here, yesterday.

“Budget wise, we are probably looking at RM2.5 million to build the new animal village. We only have RM300,000 at the moment,” she said.

She added that the government has approved two acres for the new facilities but they are requesting for one more acre so that they can do a proper park where exercise programme, dogs training programme and teaching the public how to handle animals properly can be conducted.

“We are also waiting for the land title to be issued. So once we have got the land title then we can conduct fund raising aggressively.  Some corporations are saying that as we do not have the land title, they just want to wait until the land title is issued, then they will look at what their CSR budget is like.

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“So we are looking at people who want to donate certain amount for let say building the classroom for extension so that we can put like the company’s name up there as a corporate sponsor. The same goes with the clinic and other facilities within the new animal village.

“Right now there are altogether 300 animals (dogs and cats) at the Animal Shelter and Adoption Centre at Kota Sentosa which is overcrowded. Ideally, we should only have 150,” she said.

According to Dona, animals should be let off on leases and their owners should be trained to walk their animals properly.

“Because of the rabies outbreak many people throwing puppies over the fences so the stray population has increased. So we really want people to be more responsible. If you don’t want puppies, if you don’t want kittens, then please neuter your pets. Otherwise, you will be getting stray puppies and kittens,” she said.

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Dona also disclosed that SSPCA monthly expenditure is around RM30,000 and the money comes from public donations.

“We have six fulltime staff who come in every morning to clean, wash and feed the animals and they have to cook and feed the animals twice a day, so before they go home, they will feed the animals once more. Our expenditure also includes medical because all our dogs and cats are neutered and we try to keep up with their vaccinations. They have been vaccinated against rabbies.  Thanks to the Department of Veterinary Service,” she said.

On the pets blessing ceremony yesterday,  Dona said it was done annually in conjunction with World Animal Day.

“Today is World Animals Day, so we always do the pets blessing at the Shelter here for the animals because it is also part of the Feast of St Francis who is the patron Saint for animals.  So we invite the priest from St Anne to come here and to conduct the blessing for us this morning.

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“It is also to raise awareness on the animal situation here and also to remind people that we are all part of God’s creatures and so we should respect the animals. We should treat them properly, give them proper home, proper shelter, proper food and medical care so this is all about creating awareness about animal welfare,” she said.

The blessing ceremony was conducted by Father Gerard  Victor from St Anne Parish.

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