KUCHING: Muslim Welfare Organisation (PKPi) Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB) in collaboration with the Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) of Kpg Sourabaya Ulu, Petra Jaya organised a slaughtering / sacrificial ceremony (Majlis Ibadah Qurban) at Surau Darul Mutaqqin, Kpg Suorabaya Ulu here, yesterday.
Three cows were slaughtered and the meat distributed to Kpg Sourabaya Ulu villagers and nearby residents.
The ceremony was officiated at by Assistant Minister of Utility (Electric Supply), Dr Abdul Rahman Junaidi, who is also Pantai Damai Assemblyman.
“Society should maintain the tradition of mutual-assist (gotong-royong) in community activities, especially during the ‘Ibadah Qurban’ ceremony.
“This mutual-assist activity will create a spirit of cooperation and willingness to help one another. It is also to strengthen ties among those present regardless backgrounds,” he said.
Dr Abdul Rahman also complimented SEB for the initiative by involving the local community in organising the ceremony and hoped that it will continue to be held in future.
Also present were Dr Abdul Rahman’s wife, Siti Shorgayah Zaidin, Chief Executive Officer of SEB, Sharbini Suhaili and community leader of Kpg Sourabaya Ulu, Nazri Abdul Rahman and others.