KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 98 per cent of the 7,695 employers inspected by the Labour Department (JTK) nationwide complied with a minimum wage order of RM1,100, the Dewan Rakyat was told yesterday.
Deputy Minister of Human Resources Datuk Mahfuz Omar said this was based on statutory inspections carried out by JTK from Jan 1 to Feb 28, this year, to check on employers’ compliance with the labour law.
“During the period, the JTK also received 95 cases filed by workers on the failure of employers to pay the minimum wage with 66 of them have been resolved while other 29 are still in JTK action,” he said.
He said this in his reply to a question from Khairy Jamaluddin (BN-Rembau) who wanted to know the level of compliance of the employers pertaining to the minimum wage order.
In his answer to Khairy’s additional question on the instrument used to encourage higher wages for university graduates, Mahfuz said it was subject to agreement between employer and employee.
“As for the government, there are guidelines for employers to determine the initial wages for 160 skill-based jobs. However, the right to determine the rate is set by the employers themselves and also the acceptance of the employees involved,” he added. – Bernama