SIBU: Twenty-five members of SMK Kampung Nangka’s Young Doctors Club took part in a ‘Community Health Programme’ held at Kampung Bahagia Jaya Teku near here, last Saturday.
The programme, which was also attended by the local residents, was jointly organised by the Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) of Kampung Bahagia Jaya Teku, the Neighbourhood Watch Committee (KRT), Bina Insan Club,Sibu Health Department (KOSPEN/COMBI), Sibu Youth and Sporta Office, Recreation and Sports Club and the People’s Volunteer Corps (Rela).
Among activities held as part of the programme were ‘walk-a-mile’, mass aerobic, health screening, health talk and ‘gotong-royong’ activities, exhibition by the Health Office and SMK Kampung Nangka’s Young Doctor Club.
During the event, the JKKK of Kampung Bahagia Jaya Teku received three futsal balls and two dozens shuttlecocks from Saberkas Nangka branch and Nangka Service Centre.
Also present were Penghulu Ekram Kassim, JKKK Phase 1 chairman Zaidil Arip, Kampung Bahagia Jaya Teku KRT chairman Bolhassan Bakir, secretary Karim Kirparwi and Saberkas Nangka branch secretary Mohd Safree Mohd.